Cabbage Pie Kabiswaehe =========== ========== 400g cabbage, finely chopped Kabis 2 onion, finely chopped Zwiebeln 50g cheese, grated Kaese 2.5 dl milk cream Halbrahm 1 teasp. salt Salz 1 teasp. chili powder Chilipulver 1/2 teasp. caraway Kreuzkuemmel 1/2 teasp. cumin Echter Kuemmel 1/2 teasp. mustard seeds Senfsamen (schwarz) 1/2 teasp. black pepper powder Schwarzer Pfeffer 1/4 teasp. turmeric Kurkumna 1/4 teasp. cinnamon powder Zimt 1/4 teasp. cloves powder Nelken 1/4 teasp. nutmeg powder Muskatnuss Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seeds, cumin and caraway, wait a few seconds, add onions and stir, when a bit translucent add cabbage and spicwa, stir from time to time. When the cabbage is not hard anymore put it aside and let it cool down. Mix it with the cheese, put it on the dough, pour milk cream over it, bake for 60 minutes at 180 degrees (time depends on the oven). Cheese: I used Amul cheese block, it is similar to Tete de Moine.